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About Us

Callie’s Backyard Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, it is dedicated to addressing drug and alcohol addiction, sex trafficking, and homelessness among Colorado youth aged 13-21.

By connecting compassionate donors, volunteers, and service providers, we aim to maximize our impact and break the cycle of hardship in our communities. Leveraging people in our communities, we provide comprehensive resources and foster meaningful relationships, ensuring every supporter has a fulfilling and unique giving experience.


Together, we can transform our backyards and community into a place of hope and opportunity.

Pitkin County Youth Statistics

Youth Vaping and Tobacco Use:

In 2022, approximately 40% of high school students in Pitkin County reported having used e-cigarettes or vaping devices in the past 30 days, significantly higher than the national average.

Alcohol Use:

Around 30% of high school students reported binge drinking (consuming five or more drinks within a couple of hours) in the past month. This rate is higher than the state average.

Marijuana Use:

Over 25% of high school students in Pitkin County reported using marijuana in the past month, a figure that has been relatively stable over the past few years.

Overdose Incidents:

Pitkin County has observed an increase in overdose incidents among youth, although exact numbers are often underreported due to various factors including stigma and lack of comprehensive reporting.

Helping more than 300+ youth


students attend Law Club every fall


proceeds go toward youth programs

Success Story

Become a monthly giver or mentor a local youth today

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Recent Events

Silent Auction

Valentines Day Cards

Gingerbread House Night

More than 50+ youth events

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Thrifting at the thrift store



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Club Law



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